
   Socioeconomic Disparities:

                Primary Health care was insured for all Egyptians.In 1965, 11 millions has partial or incomlete accessablity to Health Services. All these groups were totally covered after the introduction of Mobile Clinics. The unprivileged groups were provided with accessible health services that included child care , reproducctive health,mental and dental health care. National preventive programs against diseases such as tuberculosis were implemented with a strong social component. A system for providing curative services for the unprivileged groups was established which was able to accommodate all patients from these groups even in high medical specialties.

  Age Disparities

Child Care has been totally reorganized and 9 million children were admitted to the National Health Insurance. Centers for unwanted children were established in every Governorate which resulted in 50% drop in the mortality rate of these children.

 Geriatric care was established in every Government Hospital and the speciality was given strong support. Old people were allowed free care and rehabilitation under the health reform guidance.



   Gender Disparities& Women EMPOWERMENT


§  Dr Sallam insured the human right for every woman to be accessible to a quality reproductive health services. He stood firmly to point out that no comprehensive development could be achieved without the empowerment of women; training programs were introduced for the control of Violence against Women.

§   Free use of the ambulance service for women in labor was introduced to provide immediate quality care in hospitals. Added to this the rehabilitation of primary health facilities, addition of labor rooms in health clinics, the establishment of training programs, the antenatal care and deliveries by doctors reduced the maternal mortality by 54%.

§  Dr. Sallam was highly determined to tackle gender-inequality issues inside unprivileged groups. Therefore, he undertook important and crucial initiatives such as bravely issuing a historical Ministerial Decree abolishing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). This is a very sensitive issue that historically made all former health officials refrain from examining it, or retreat under public pressure.  This issue was successfully addressed publicly and in Court and the Supreme Court ended by making the procedure illegal in Egypt.

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