The Chairman of the
Executive Board of Arab Ministers of Health and Population: He played an important role at the Arab League for three consecutive terms that lasted over 6 years.
The Chairman of the African Ministers of Health of The Organization Of African Unity: Dr Sallam organized several important
meetings and produced an outstanding vital document on the control of the major challenges facing African health in the 21st
century . Dr Sallam shared effectively in the initiatives for controlling Malaria and Aids.
The chairman of the Board of Partners in Population and Development in November 1998 to2002: This organization made
excellent utilization of South to South as well as North to South cooperation. Formed following the ICPD meeting
in Cairo, the organization includes 14 countries that account for half the world's population. Dr. Sallam believes that
developing countries, with the cooperation and support of their counterparts in the developing world, can overcome the challenges
caused by the imbalance between population growth and development.
Dr sallam chairing the Parteners in Zambabwe in 2001.This organization made excellent utilization of the different experiences among the member counteries of
the organization that made remarkable achievment in the population issues.
Dr Sallam receiving the Emirate Prize of the World Health Organization for his personal achievment
in reforming Health in Egypt and for his internatonal role for Global Health
Dr. Sallam is always a pioneer in his endeavors; he continually ignores
social and logistical barriers to providing aid to those in need. He was on the first aircraft to land at the Gaza airport
as part of a greater humanitarian and cultural convoy to the territories. Dr. Sallam was also the head of emergency aid to
the flood disasters in Sudan and he overlooked his personal safety by traveling to the embattled region to directly assist
in providing aid. Through careful negotiations, Dr. Sallam was the first to end the long rejection of humanitarian aid by
the Iraqi government. Dr. Sallam was personally on the first aircraft, allowed by the UN, carrying the humanitarian mission
and was directly involved in providing health care. The success of the mission was best demonstrated by the multiple humanitarian
missions that made their way to Iraq after the Iraqi government accepted the idea of such aid.
Mrs Clinton Ingurating Women Clinic in Upper Egypt